Hi, I’m Heather Visnesky.

I’m an Evidential Medium and an Intuitive Psychic. I have a gift that allows me to connect with people who have passed from the physical world in order to share their messages of love and connection with those of us still here on Earth.

I have been connecting with those on the Other Side since I was young, though it was only in recent years that I became aware of and stepped into the depth of my gifts and abilities. My path to this work was not a straight one, and honestly, the awareness that I possessed the gifts of mediumship was a bit of a shock to me, and didn’t fully emerge until I was into my early 40s. 

If you find yourself here to learn more about me or have known me for years, you may not be surprised to read this, despite the fact that I continue to be surprised, every single day, that this is part of me. It’s something that I’ve had glimpses of all my life, but I chalked them up to coincidence or serendipity. Or egotistically, I just thought I was just sooooo intuitive that I just knew things I didn’t learn through my five senses. The truth was, I had a lot of help from my Guides.

My gift is a part of my lineage, passed down from my Grandmother Mary, who had a sixth sense for the unseen. I worked under the mentorship and guidance of various teachers and mentors, and practiced reading for friends, acquaintances, and strangers with increasing accuracy. I also stumbled upon a supportive and loving Mediumship Development Circle, where I had the opportunity to practice using my gift to bring healing to volunteer sitters.

Initially this awakening led me to begin my training as a Transformational Life Coach. To be honest, I was looking for a more mainstream way to use my gift to help and heal others, and intuitive life coaching felt like the closest fit. The skills and techniques I learned in that training have been invaluable. But even after I completed my program, I still felt like something was missing, and in some ways, it stalled my ability to really step into my role as a Life Coach.  

After graduation, my gift opened up. Way up. In a truly undeniable way. I was connecting with close friends’ grandmothers and aunts and uncles with increasing accuracy. I ‘came out’ to people as a medium and was accepted with belief and understanding and so much love. I started practicing reading for friends and acquaintances and strangers. I was randomly invited to join what ended up being a supportive and loving Mediumship Development Circle to practice using my gifts to bring healing to volunteer sitters, and my time every week in that circle has been such a blessing. 

There is so much that we don’t know about our vast universe, and that includes what happens after physical death and what exists outside of what we have already seen and explored. I’ve been searching for that answer for a very long time, ever since my dad passed away unexpectedly when I was 9 years old. I can’t explain why I have this ability, but I do know that it’s real, and that I was gifted with it in order to spread love and healing to those that need it.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. I’m sending each and every one of you so much love and peace.