Ancestral Healing
Card from Rebecca Campbell’s deck, Work Your Light Oracle Cards
Something that comes up a lot in readings, both in Mediumship and Spirit Guide Channeling, is this concept of healing the wounds of our ancestors that we carry within ourselves. It’s certainly no small task to heal generations of pain and traumas that we have unwillingly inherited from those family members that came before us.
Those Spirits that have left the confines of our earthly plane can see their own lives with an objective eye they didn’t possess in life, and often will bring through messages meant to heal some of those ancestral traumas (and sometimes more meaningfully, the harms that they themselves caused when living) for those of us still here. It’s often just the beginning of the healing for my clients; to hear regret, apologies, and accountability for harms that were knowingly or unknowingly administered can be immensely healing, and there is almost always a period of processing and slow acceptance to follow.
Part of that healing can be recognizing the patterns that have existed for generations in the ancestral line and breaking them. Abuse, trauma, secrets, and lives lived inauthentically can all end with us through our own healing. We are so fortunate to live in a time with so many tools at our disposal, from self-help books, podcasts, and websites, to talk therapy, plant and pharmaceutical medicines, energy healing, hypnotherapy, mediumship, spirit guide channeling, past life regression therapy, tarot and divination, and really possibly most importantly, the breaking down of stigmas around talking about both our personal and ancestral traumas. We don’t have to keep those secrets anymore. Shedding light in dark places can allow for seeing the truth and removing the power that the darkness allowed.
I’m striving to live a life that is focused on healing for myself and those I work with. It’s not always easy but I know that it is worth it, not only for me, but for my descendants, especially the ones I’m helping to raise right now. If you would like to connect with your ancestors for this type of work, starting with an Evidential Mediumship session can be one of many ways to start this healing process.